Providing space and time for you to take the steps necessary to heal and enact the changes you desire.
My Mission
Helping others learn to accept their whole and true selves is my professional and passionate purpose. Together, we can work towards you becoming the person you want to be and already are.
Individual Counseling
I work with you to identify what matters to you, deduce what changes are most important to you, while also fostering what needs acceptance. We will determine together the contexts in which you feel most centered, clear, and aligned with your values.
Couples Counseling
Together, we will explore the root causes of your unwanted feelings, responses, actions, and behaviors; in order for you to align better with who you are, and what matters to you. I work with couples to identify, have compassion for, and work more effectively with the dynamics in their relationship that are persistently creating distress and disconnect.
Poetry Therapy
Bringing in poetry and other forms of written word within the counseling process, we will explore your feelings, thoughts, and perspectives via creative interpretation and expression. Offered to both individuals and couples (and small groups), Poetry Therapy fosters dignity, a sense of belonging, and self awareness.

Hi! I’m Ellyn Zografi.
I am a licensed Marriage and Family therapist, also specializing in Poetry Therapy. I am passionate about helping you take the steps necessary to heal and enact the changes you desire. I help you approach current life challenges with compassion and curiosity, so that you can express and live from your whole and truest self.
Kind words from clients
“My favorite outcome of therapy thus far is the increase in self-acceptance I’ve developed over time.”
I now give myself a lot more room for failure, and celebrate my success more fully. Sure enough, I find it much easier to do the same for others as well.
Current Client
On the Blog
Be a Beginner
It all started when I was skiing with a friend. She was watching me snowplow down a steep incline when she shouted, “You know it’s okay to be a beginner.” I will be eternally grateful to her for saying that to me. Because at that moment, I realized, I didn’t know...
You Talk Like A River
I can see the moment clearly. I am at a weekly training with my coworkers. We work at a vocational agency that helps adults with developmental disabilities find employment and/or enrichment opportunities. Our executive director is holding up a drawing, seemingly...
Small Kindnesses
I would like to start this post with a poem by Danusha Lameris. Small Kindnesses I’ve been thinking about the way, when you walk down a crowded aisle, people pull in their legs to let you by. Or how strangers still say “bless you” when someone sneezes, a leftover...